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62. [etnews]For startups in the eco-friendly and energy sectors to grow, deregulation and investment support are needed.

Writer : enitt

Date : 2023-09-04 15:25:31

Hits : 665

중소벤처기업부(장관 이영)는 20일 서울 강남구 팁스타운에서 ‘친환경·에너지 분야 초격차 스타트업과 간담회’를 개최하고 국내 친환경·에너지 분야 스타트업 기업을 초청해 애로사항을 청취했다. (사진=안상민 기자) 


Start-up companies in the domestic energy sector appealed to the Ministry of SMEs and Startups for deregulation and investment procurement support for business verification.

ENITT, an artificial intelligence (AI)-based energy efficiency company, said, “There are more government regulations related to energy efficiency than expected, making it difficult to demonstrate technology in the field,” and added, “We hope the government will help so that government regulations can be resolved in accordance with the market and technology can be demonstrated.” “I hope so,” he said.

Source: Electric Newspaper (



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