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92. [newsis]Gwangju City, 17 excellent companies and 5 SMEs selected for contributing to the local economy

Writer : enitt

Date : 2025-01-21 13:24:19

Hits : 171

[광주=뉴시스] 광주시청. (사진=뉴시스 DB). *재판매 및 DB 금지



[Gwangju=Newsis] Reporter Ryu Hyeong-geun = Gwangju City awarded certificates to 17 excellent companies and 5 SMEs that created good jobs and contributed to the local economy.

Gwangju City announced on the 30th that it presented certificates and plaques to 4 job-creating companies, 13 excellent job-creating companies, and 5 excellent SMEs.


The excellent SMEs selected, including Ki Song-do, CEO of Enitt, Moon Young-pil, CEO of Search, Park Se-jun, CEO of Dongbang Engineering, Jo Mi-young, CEO of Neuron Motors, and Chae In-won, CEO of Eco Peace, will receive additional support for loans from the Structural Improvement Fund and Export Promotion Fund, exemption from local tax audits, and preferential treatment in trade promotion projects.




For more details, you can refer to the article linked below.