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29. [etnews]AI technology that can prevent frequent train derailment accidents in advance, 'focus attention'

Writer : enitt

Date : 2022-04-13 12:06:23

Hits : 1192




ENITT, 'AI-based optical fiber acoustic distribution sensing (e-DAS)' system development... Successful demonstration and commercialization

Real-time monitoring of train location and speed, falling rocks, intruders, and track abnormalities… relieve public anxiety




On the 5th, while the KTX-Sancheon train passed the Yeongdong Tunnel in North Chungcheong Province, one passenger car deviated from the track, and artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can prevent the KTX derailment accident in advance is attracting attention.



The 'AI-based optical fiber acoustic distribution sensing (e-DAS)' system developed by ENITT (CEO Ki Song-do), a company specializing in disaster safety management AI solutions, transferred from the Korea Institute of Optical Technology, has not delayed train derailment accidents that could lead to large-scale fatal accidents. It is evaluated as a technology that can prevent




This system is the first in Korea to monitor operation information such as train speed and location, as well as unexpected situations around the track such as construction, falling rocks, external intrusions, and abnormalities in real time. Using distributed optical sensor technology, it is possible to detect abnormalities, accidents, and frequent inspections of various facilities and structures by measuring vibrations in long-distance continuous sections with a single optical fiber. There is no malfunction due to ambient electromagnetic disturbance.


In particular, it collects abnormal signals caused by ambient vibrations through an optical fiber installed on the trackside with an accuracy of 1 m in real-time to create a distribution map, and then applies a deep learning-based learning algorithm to determine the train speed and location.


ENITT received favorable reviews for its system at 'CES 2022' held in Las Vegas, USA. The demonstration project was also completed in the 50km section of the Osong-Gongju high-speed line and the 20km section of the Gyeryong-Seodaejeon jointly with the Korea Railroad Research Institute and the Korea Institute of Optical Technology. It is focusing on improving reliability based on big data collection and analysis on railroad environment and various situations that occur during vehicle operation. Currently, it has succeeded in commercializing the smart management system business in the underground common district of Gwangju.


CEO Ki Song-do said, “The e-DAS system, which has proven its technology through successful commercialization for the first time in Korea and the trackside demonstration project, will be able to relieve citizens’ anxiety by preventing railway accidents that are repeated every year, including the Yeongdong Tunnel derailment accident.” said