Writer : enitt
Date : 2022-04-06 16:00:43
Hits : 1037
ENITT (CEO Ki Song-do).Since its inception in 2018, it has invested heavily in technology capabilities in line with the 4th industrial revolution. As a result, 14 patent registrations and applications, 2 international patent applications, 3 GS (Good Software) certification, 5 program registrations, 4 KC certification, and 1 KERI certification have been secured to enhance energy ICT technology capabilities.
Based on this, sales, which started at 600 million won in 2018, have grown more than eight times in just two years to 5 billion won in 2020. In addition, it is recognized as an excellent venture company that will lead the 4th Industrial Revolution with remarkable achievements that startups cannot achieve, such as the commendation of Jeonnam Governor, the selection of KEPCO KDN K-STAR partner companies, and the award for excellent R&D.
ENITT, which has its headquarters in Gwangju Metropolitan City and a research institute in Naju, Jeollanam-do Province, has an intelligent power distribution system that applies groundbreaking concepts in line with the government's Zero Energy Building policy.
According to the company, the intelligent power distribution system is a system that receives power through new renewable energy power sources and system power sources at the same time, analyzes and monitors power consumption by consumer in real time, and automatically controls power supply and power supply by automatic operation scheduler.
Existing commercial products allow only a single energy source connection, mainly support one-way functions such as measuring power usage, monitoring switchboards, and analyzing power quality. On the other hand, ENITT's intelligent power distribution system enables real-time power status monitoring and automatic power supply control by connecting up to 9 customers to one power distribution system simultaneously, enabling power operation with higher efficiency than existing products. This product obtained the first grade of GS certification for KERI (electrical type) certification, KC (electromagnetic compatibility) certification, and Integrated Power Control System (IPC), an operating software.
ENITT is also showing specialized technology in the partial discharge diagnostic solution line, which is a state-of-the-art safety diagnosis method.
Recently, partial discharge of power spheres/power facilities occurs repeatedly in a small area, causing degradation and expanding to dielectric breakdown of insulation materials.
Therefore, ENITT has developed a big data-based real-time partial discharge diagnosis solution using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) and is in the process of upgrading.
DAS technology is a measurement technology of a new paradigm that detects state anomalies for long-distance (50 km or more) continuous sections compared to point sensors that show limitations of conventional single-point measurements.
By simultaneously measuring at least 10,000 to 10,000 points, it is possible to measure the distribution of partial discharge over a long distance, especially across all sections of power cables, and it has advantages such as reducing infrastructure construction costs, power supply problems, and network complexity compared to existing single-point measurement sensor technology.
As part of the "Smart Management System Construction Project for Underground Tool Dong-gu, Gwangju" ordered by the Korea Intelligence and Information Society Agency (NIA), DAS and DTS (Distributed Temperature Sensing) were established in all sections of Underground Tool Dong-gu, Gwangju.
In fact, as the first case to be applied to industrial sites, it is very meaningful that it succeeded in localizing technologies that had relied only on foreign products.
This year, DAS will be established in the Osong-Gongju section to monitor and diagnose abnormalities in railway tracks such as train location, speed, rail cuts, and rockfall in real time, and will also push for a "high-pressure transmission line monitoring system demonstration test" jointly with KEPCO KDN.
In the future, it aims to become a leader in technology-based photometric disaster safety total management systems by entering not only local governments but also overseas.